Maxluqlar ovi / Maxluq ovchilari uzbek tilida

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Maxluqlar ovi / Maxluq ovchilari

Kino tavsifi
Maxluqlar ovi / Maxluq ovchilari - O'rta maktabning birinchi o'quvchisi Kelli Fergyuson Xellouin bayramida bolaga qarashga istamay rozi bo'lgach, u maxsus kuchga ega bo'lgan bolalarni yirtqich hayvonlardan himoya qiluvchi yashirin enagalar jamiyatiga yollanadi.

Когда первокурсница средней школы Келли Фергюсон неохотно соглашается посидеть с ребенком на Хэллоуин, ее вербуют в тайное общество нянь, которые защищают от монстров детей с особыми способностями.

Roles of actors:
1) Tamara Smart (Kelly Ferguson)
2) Oona Laurence (Liz Lerue)
3) Alessio Scalzotto (Victor Colleti)
4) Indya Moore (Peggy Drood)
5) Tom Felton (The Grand Guignol)
6) Ian Ho (Jacob Zellman)
7) Tamsen McDonough (Mrs. Zellman)
8) Troy Leigh-Anne Johnson (Berna Vincent)
9) Lynn Masako Cheng (Cassie Zhen)
10) Ty Consiglio (Curtis Critter)
11) Ashton Arbab (Tommy)
12) Crystal Balint (Alexa Ferguson)
13) Ricky He (Jesper Huang)
14) Cameron Bancroft (Pete Ferguson)
15) Anisa Harris (Deanna)
16) Kelcey Mawema (Veronica Preston)
17) Isabel Birch (Young Kelly)
18) April Telek (Zellman's Secretary)
19) John Murphy (Mr. Reynolds)
20) Momona Tamada (Babysitter from Japan)
21) José Giménez-Zapiola (Babysitter from Argentina)
22) Mithila Palkar (Babysitter from India)
23) Linden Porco (Toadie)
24) Samantha Schimmer (Student)
25) Eliza Faria (Sophomore Girl)
26) Ben Cockell (Senior #1)
27) Jude Wilson (Senior #2)

People who worked on the film:
1) David Brisbin (Production Design)
2) Ivan Reitman (Producer)
3) Tamara Notcutt (Casting)
4) Ilona Herzberg (Executive Producer)
5) Tom Pollock (Executive Producer)
6) Rachel Talalay (Director)
7) Joe Ballarini (Screenplay)
8) Joe Ballarini (Novel)
9) Gregory Middleton (Director of Photography)
10) Matthew Margeson (Original Music Composer)
11) Carrie Grace (Costume Design)
12) Kendelle Elliott (Supervising Art Director)
13) Michael Corrado (Art Direction)
14) Amie Karp (Producer)
15) Naia Cucukov (Executive Producer)
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