Dengiz bo'risi operatsiyasi uzbek tilida

Dengiz bo'risi operatsiyasi

Kino tavsifi
Ikkinchi jahon urushining so'nggi kunlarida Germaniya ittifoqchi kuchlarni mag'lub etish uchun har qanday so'nggi chorani ko'rmoqchi bo'lib, qolgan qurollari va askarlariga qaradi. Nemis dengiz floti va qolgan so'nggi U-qayiqlar bitta umidsiz oxirgi missiya - "Dengiz bo'risi" operatsiyasi deb nomlanuvchi Qo'shma Shtatlar vataniga hujum qilish missiyasi uchun birgalikda tuzilgan. Kapitan Xans Kessler, ikkala jahon urushida suv osti kemalari qo'mondoni, bitta missiyani muvaffaqiyatli bajarish va urush oqimini o'zgartirishga yordam berish uchun xizmatga chaqiriladi.

During the last days of World War II, Germany, desperate for any last grasp to defeat the allied powers, looked to their last remaining weapons and soldiers. The German Navy and the last remaining U-Boats were formed together for one desperate last mission – a mission to attack the United States Homeland, known as Operation Seawolf. Captain Hans Kessler, a grizzled submarine commander from both World Wars, is called into service to make one mission a success and help turn the tide of the war.

Roles of actors:
1) Hiram A. Murray (Sam L. Gravely Jr.)
2) Dolph Lundgren (Hans Kessler)
3) Frank Grillo (Commander Ingram)
4) Cody Fleury (Sgt. Rynhardt)
5) Luke Steinborn (Sub Mariner)
6) Andrew Stecker (Lt. Erich Reinhart)
7) Apostolos Gliarmis (Sub Mariner)
8) Edgar Damatian (Haskell)
9) Aaron Courteau (Valentine)
10) Amanda Day (Jackson's Wife (segment "Come Out Fighting"))
11) Chase Otus (Young American Soldier (segment "Come Out Fighting"))
12) Amanda Day ()
13) Amanda Day ()
14) Amanda Day ()
15) Amanda Day ()
17) Maggie Dickey (Maid #2 (segment "Come Out Fighting"))
18) Lori Roovers (Maid #3 (segment "Come Out Fighting"))
19) David Clobes (Air Force Soldier (segment "Come Out Fighting"))
20) Ella Dierberger ()

People who worked on the film:
1) Steven Luke (Director)
2) Steven Luke (Producer)
3) Steven Luke (Writer)
4) Andre Relis (Producer)
5) Alex Kharlamov (Original Music Composer)
6) Katerina Valenti (Editor)
7) Jordan Fields (Producer)
8) Chris Canfield (Production Design)
9) Joseph Loeffler (Director of Photography)
10) Todd Lundbohm (Producer)
11) Jon Boorom (Costume Design)
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